Fall Festival
Packing to Move
Donut Time!
(Mommy was standing close by ready to catch any falling boys...)
Playing with Christmas Lights
Playing "Ashes"
Hi All...
Welcome to my "Christmas letter" blog. I had written last in August with firm resolve to blog more often this fall, and then we moved. :) Oh, well. I am certainly not without excuse for not updating more frequently.
We started packing with gusto in mid to late September. I walked into the kitchen one day from a shopping outing to find that Jeff had emptied out my pantry, and all the voluminous free/10cent ketchup and salad dressing bottles (from couponing/sales) were piled 10 deep on my countertop. The fun begins. For the next month, everything that wasn't nailed down (or living and breathing) went in a box. The week leading up to Halloween we spent starting to bring things in, and moving day, Oct 31, went fairly smoothly. Once everything was in, we spent the following two weeks plus cleaning up/cleaning out the old house, painting, and having tile put in. Now we wait (patiently) for God's timing to sell the old house. (Anyone looking for a house in Anderson???) Little by little we are settling in here, and are so excited about our new home, and all the opportunities the new space allows. We are overwhelmed by God's blessing in this regard.
The kids are doing well. Mary (hard to believe) is 4 1/2 now, and will be starting kindergarten next fall (kinda scary!). She's enjoying playing outside, with a bit more freedom where we live now than before. And, she loves to color and do any kind of crafty projects. The boys are nearly two, and it's amazing to think where we were with regard to them this time two years ago. They are starting to imitate words more and more, and their speech is slowly growing. Chris has a new game he likes to play. Ask him a question, any question...say, "Do you want some candy?" The answer invariably is "No!" The boys have also gotten into playing ring around the rosies...on their own. The call it playing "Ashes." One will say "Ashes!" and they all three jump up and join hands and going around in a circle "Ashes, ashes, ashes, ashes!" So cute!
We are overwhelmed by God's many wonderful gifts to us this year. Merry Christmas!!!