Saturday, February 9, 2008

Next Best Thing to Home

We arrived at the hospital this morning, unsure whether the boys would come home today or tomorrow. The doctor had discussed the situation with us Friday, especially with regard to Jeff and his mother's comfort level with working with Christopher, Nathan, and Daniel. I learned quickly Friday how much I have learned over the past several weeks, as Jeff and his Mom struggled somewhat with preemie care issues. We brought up the subject with the nurse practitioner, and the decision was made for us. She said the boys are in great shape, and Rebecca can help show Jeff and Grandma everything she knows. (By the end of the day, both Jeff and Grandma Bate were feeling more confident handling the boys.)

So, after two more opportunities to feed the boys at noon and 4, we started getting ready to go. We dressed the boys, detached the hospital monitors, set up the take home apnea monitors, and got them into their car seats. That whole process (and indeed, it WAS a process!) took about an hour and a half, including the 4 o'clock feeding time. We finally pulled out of the hospital and headed for Pattens' house at about 5:30.

I think it kind of hit me in a new way that this was real, and that they are ours about the time we started down the hall out of the NICU toward the elevators. Wow! What an incredible blessing from God.


Anonymous said...

Tears came to my eyes just looking at the latest photos, before I even read the update. The Lord is so good!

a portland granny said...

I am sooo excited for you!! What a tremendous blessing you have been given--three little guys all at once. You are blessed, as are they.

I have never forgotten the inexplainable joy as I was handed by first "gift from God" when he was 3 days old....but to have three--just so excited for you and I don't even know you guys, but we are all in the family of God and that's the special part--knowing that these boys will be brought up in a Christian home.

Oh joy, oh delight! I just love, for you, what God is doing and will do in your lives from this day forward.

Trust you will have lots of help when you get home and can just enjoy these little boys with all your hearts. I know the big sister will love them also. Since she is a single, it is nice that she is the oldest--that will give her a little power when the boys gang up on her!!

Do keep the pictures and updates coming. We are in love with your little family and want to know how all of you are doing.

Have fun, enjoy, give praise, and blessings on all of you!!

a gramma from Portland, Oregon

Carrie said...

Praise the Lord! How exciting. We look forward to your return. Do let us know what we can do for you!